Learn to Curl - Sept 30th, 4:15pm

Always fascinated by curling but never tried it out? Now's your chance!

In the first 30 minutes you'll learn the basics of the game and practice basic skills. The rest of the time you'll get to play an actual match! All equipment is provided by the club.

- Park in Lot 25 and enter the west doors. 
- We curl on the Holland Ice (past the big stairs and left at the skate shop). 
- Please wear clean, grippy shoes like tennis shoes. 
- The ice rink is kept at 40 degrees - please dress accordingly. Layers are recommended. Blue jeans are not.

Event Properties

Event Date 09-30-2018 4:15 pm
Event End Date 09-30-2018 6:15 pm
Capacity 40
Registered 5
Available place 35
Individual Price $20/person
Location Baxter Arena

We are no longer accepting registration for this event