• 402-915-CURL
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dedicated Curling Facility

Dedicated Curling Facility

Aksarben Curling has been approved by the City of Omaha to enter into a private/public partnership with the Parks and Recreation Department to fundraise for and build an approximately 20,000 square foot curling community center to high-quality curling in the broader Omaha metro area.

While we have a strong partnership with Baxter Arena, we aim to build our own curling facility to expand ice time availability to grow the game and ensure we have the highest quality curling ice possible. Moreover, having a dedicated curling facility will help fulfill Aksarben Curling's mission to make curling a lifelong sport that can be enjoyed by all ages, skill levels, and physical abilities, and build an inclusive and welcoming community through the spirit of curling.

We’re excited about this project because it will enable Aksarben Curling to provide:

  • High-quality curling-exclusive ice with consistent conditions where stones will curl both ways on every sheet (and no negative ice!).
  • More ice time and leagues all-week long on weekdays, weeknights, and weekends.
  • New and expanded programming including doubles, women’s events, and wheelchair/adaptive curling.
  • More curling opportunities for young Nebraskans including youth, juniors, school curling clubs, and college curling clubs.
  • A venue to host events including regional bonspiels, national tournaments, and community gatherings.
  • More educational opportunities such as Learn to Curls, skills clinics, and Newcomer Instructional Leagues.
  • Greater community partnerships with local nonprofits and schools, including a summer camp with the YMCA of Greater Omaha for kids ages 5-12 when school is out of session.
  • Practice time for curlers to improve their abilities and become more competitive.
  • A dedicated social space to foster community and ‘broomstack’ after games.

The facility will be designed to accommodate 5 sheets of curling ice. It will include a community ‘warm room’ for spectators to watch curling, for teams to socialize with their opponents, and for educational and community events. Our partnership with the City of Omaha offers clear advantages of in-kind land and parking contributions and high visibility within existing recreational spaces.

In late-2020 and throughout 2021, we extensively surveyed Aksarben Curlers about what they want to see in their dedicated curling facility. Aksarben Curling members’ input helped inform the initial floor plans and renderings created by Leo A Daly, which has provided pro bono design services for our efforts. Here is a sneak peak at some conceputal interior renderings:

ACC Rendering A v2 copy 2

ACC Rendering B v2 copy 2

Our floor plan and renderings are conceptual and are subject to change.

Share your support
To make a contribution to the project, individuals may send a check payable to Aksarben Curling at the following address:

Dedicated Ice Fund
Aksarben Curling
PO Box 24458
Omaha, NE 68124

Donations may also be made online via credit card.

Your input is encouraged
If you have questions or ideas about our project we encourage you to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or our Dedicated Ice Commitee chair Nic Swiercek at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We are especially interested in talking to Aksarben members, community partners, and friends of curling who could help make connections, provide further input, and lend support for our project (e.g., in-kind resources, technical expertise, and financial support) to help make this dream a reality.

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Upcoming Events

18 Feb 2025;
08:00PM - 10:00PM
Winter Tuesday 8pm League
21 Feb 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Winter Friday 7pm League
22 Feb 2025;
04:15PM - 06:15PM
Newcomers Instructional League
23 Feb 2025;
12:00PM - 02:00PM
Winter Sunday 12pm League
23 Feb 2025;
02:15PM - 04:15PM
Winter Sunday 2:15pm League
23 Feb 2025;
04:30PM - 06:45PM
Winter Sunday 4:30pm League
23 Feb 2025;
06:45PM - 08:45PM
Winter Sunday 6:45pm League
01 Mar 2025;
Registration opens for Spring Leagues (10am)
12 Mar 2025;
06:30PM - 08:30PM
Board of Directors monthly meeting
14 Mar 2025;
Irish Open Bonspiel

Contact Us

Mail: PO Box 24458, Omaha, NE 68124
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 402-915-CURL

Where We Curl

Holland Ice
Baxter Arena
2425 S. 67th Street
Omaha, NE 68182

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