• 402-915-CURL
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Aksarben Curling’s Board of Directors voted to suspend Youth Curling programming for the 2020-2021 season due in large part to the pandemic. Creating a fun, safe environment for youth curling is always our #1 goal, and we would be unable to meet those standards right now.

While we’re disappointed that we won’t be able to offer Youth Curling this season, we’re excited to share a special message with you, our junior curlers, and all of Aksarben’s junior curling families from US Olympic Curling Gold Medalist Matt Hamilton of Team Shuster:

We look forward to offering Youth Curling next winter in the 2021-2022 season and can’t wait to see all of you on the ice! And, it’ll be an especially exciting year for curling with the US Olympic Curling Team Trials in Omaha in November 2021 and the Winter Olympics in February 2022!

Thank you to everyone who has participated and volunteered in Aksarben’s Youth Program, and who continue to support our mission going forward.

Aksarben Curling Club
Board of Directors


Aksarben Curling coordinated four Fall leagues this season: Sundays at 2:15pm, 4:30pm, and 6:45pm; and Tuesdays at 8pm.

It's been an unusual season marking our return to curling amid COVID-19, but members worked together to follow the Return to Curling COVID guidelines to allow a safer return to play.Big thanks to everyone who pitched in and worked together to make this fall's unusual leagues possible!

Here's to all of the champs from our 2020 Fall Leagues!

Fall Sunday 2:15pm League Champions
ECream Team
Scott Jordan, Buffy Linke, Shawn Lavallee, and Chris Becher

Fall Sunday 4:30pm League Champions
Rock Steady
Rob Marcuzzo, CaSandra Johnson, and Doug Johnson

Fall Sunday 6:45pm League Champions
Sweeping Death
Mo Shukry, Sean Morrison, Matt Suder, and Mike Carstens

Fall Tuesday League Champions
Team Rau
Doug Johnson, Derek Rau, and Rob Marcuzzo


Registration is now open for Winter Leagues! Registrations are first come, first serve.

We’ll offer leagues this winter on Sundays (7 weeks at 2:15pm, 4:30pm, and 6:45pm), Tuesdays (8 weeks at 8pm), and Fridays (7 weeks at 7pm).Reminder: We will cap league registration this fall to 24 people (6 teams). Leagues will be cancelled if they do not reach viability (23 registrants minimum) two and a half weeks out from the start date.

Register for leagues online.


Denver CCThis summer, Aksarben Curling’s board of directors launched a Dedicated Ice Committee to develop plans to build a dedicated Aksarben curling facility. We’re working with our friends at Leo A Daly to develop building plans to share with members at the end of this year.

Before we develop plans, we want to get your input first. This month we’re hosting a few virtual input sessions for Aksarben Member to hear what you would like to see in an Aksarben Curling facility.

Facilitated discussion will take place over Zoom. Please register for only one of the following sessions:

Questions? Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Registration for Fall Leagues beginning in October is now open! Click here to register for leagues.

Leagues are $20/game plus sales tax. You must also renew your annual membership ($100) for the 2020-2021 season to be eligible to play. This season, we're separating membership registration from the league registration process. Click here to renew your annual membership.

We’re offering five leagues this fall on Sundays (8 weeks at 2:15pm, 4:30pm, and 6:45pm), Tuesdays (8 weeks at 8pm), and Fridays (7 weeks at 7pm).Reminder: We will cap league registration this fall to 24 people (6 teams). Leagues will be cancelled if they do not reach viability (23 registrants minimum) by the viability dates below.


Our Priorities This Season

Curling is going to look a little different this fall amid COVID-19.First and foremost, our members’ health and safety is our top priority. Our objectives this season are to:

  • Provide a safe way to return to league play in some capacity this fall.
  • Retain membership for our club’s long-term health.
  • Finish the 2020-21 season in a great position to host the USA Team Trials in November 2021 at Baxter Arena and help grow the game in Omaha.
  • Develop and share plans with our membership about pursuing a dedicated curling facility in Omaha.

Seeking Input from Members and Partners

To determine how to provide a safe return to curling, our Board of Directors met with officials at the United States Curling Association and Baxter Arena, evaluated the USCA’s Return to Curling modified curling guidelines, and piloted these guidelines at Cornhusker State Games in July.

In July, we surveyed our active members and asked how you’re feeling about this upcoming season. Two-thirds of adult 2019-2020 members (119 of 180) responded. These are the main takeaways from this summer’s member survey:

  • Returning to curling this year: A majority of respondents (51%) would only play with masks and physical distancing, and 39% would play no matter what.
  • Requiring masks and curling: A majority of respondents (54%) would only curl if everyone has to wear a mask, and 37% would participate no matter what. 8% of respondents would not curl if masks are required.
  • Limiting sheets to 1, 3, and 5 to ensure physical distancing: A majority of respondents (61%) would play regardless of which sheets are used, and 34% would not curl if all five sheets were in use.

2020-2021 Return to Curling Guidelines

Based on member input, USCA recommendations, and Baxter/UNO policy, our Board of Directors approved the following guidelines to enable a safer return to curling:

  • Masks covering your nose and mouth will be required and must remain on at all times in Baxter Arena (including during play). Baxter will not allow entry into the building without a mask being worn. If you wear a face shield, you must also wear a mask. We’ll be sending out tips about how to keep your glasses from fogging up.
  • We will implement physical distancing measures in the stands and on the ice. Try to remain at least six feet from players at all times. And remember, even in non-COVID times, only vice-skips are allowed in the house after the completion of an end to decide the score—resist the urge to join them and give them space.
  • We will utilize only sheets 1, 3, and 5 to enable physical distancing. Sheet 3 should line up their stones and start their game on the opposite side of the rink.
  • League Viability: We will cap league registration to 24 people (6 teams). Leagues will be cancelled if it does not reach viability (23 registrants minimum).
  • Only one sweeper may sweep a stone (this includes the skip).
  • No handshakes, elbow taps, or other physical contact (but do say 'Good Curling!').
  • Since we can’t predict how the COVID-19 situation will play out through April 2021, we want people to assume that these guidelines will be in place the entire season. The Board of Directors will evaluate these guidelines as the season progresses.

Based on our survey results, a majority of members will only play if health and safety standards are implemented. The only way to have curling be viable this year is to create an environment where people feel safe curling. As members who honor the spirit of curling and camaraderie, it’s on each of us to look out for one another.

We will not have specific people enforcing these rules, but we ask that everyone helps remind their teammates and fellow curlers about these rules. If someone is repeatedly violating the rules, everyone on your sheet should stop the game until that person leaves the arena.Failure to comply with these rules will lead to an ejection from the arena, and you will not receive a refund. We can’t have people prioritizing their own comfort over the health of our membership.

By practicing these guidelines, we can return to league play, protect each other and the long-term health of the club, and be in a solid position to host the US Team Trials in November 2021.

We've received some questions from members this season expressing concern about not wanting the club to lose money or be in a more precarious financial place in order to offer curling this season. Our board has thought about this a lot this summer, and we thought it'd be helpful to share the following:

We're committed to keeping league and membership fees flat this season. Fortunately the club doesn't need to increase prices to cover costs. It's one of the handful of benefits of being an arena ice-based club: we don't have a lot of fixed costs or a mortgage to pay outside of renting ice time. Annual membership fees will remain flat at $100 per person ($75 military and $50 youth).

We also have a narrower expense margin to offer leagues. We're limiting play to 24 people or 6 teams across 3 sheets to support physical distancing and allow a safer return to curling. It costs our club $225 per hour to rent the ice, or $450 for one two-hour game. We charge $20 per game for leagues, which means that we *must* have at least 23 people ($460) in order to not lose money on each game.

Leagues are usually our club’s best ways to earn additional revenue to put toward free member events, new equipment, and saving toward a dedicated facility of our own. Unfortunately, leagues won’t be a good source for raising funds for a dedicated facility this fall (and potentially all season).

Fortunately, we’re able to return ice time with a shorter window this season and not be financially on the hook. We're instituting a league viability cut-off two and a half weeks out from the first game to ensure the club doesn't lose money on leagues. This will allow us to give back ice time at no cost if we don't have enough people sign up. Thus, it's really critical this season to sign up earlier than usual if you’re intending to play.

We also know that many people aren’t comfortable returning yet. And that’s ok, too! We know we’ll see you around virtually and when conditions become safer.

If you don’t anticipate playing this season, we encourage you to consider renewing your annual membership if you’re in a position to do so to help support the club and our long-term plan to build a dedicated facility of our own.Click here to renew your membership.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions about league or membership registration, or any other questions about this upcoming season.

As always, thank you for being a member of the Aksarben Curling, and all you do to contribute to our curling community.


We're offering a 4-week September League on Sundays from 1pm to 3pm. (Details about Fall Leagues beginning in October will be released later this month.) Click here to register. Leagues are $80 plus sales tax, and a $100 membership for the 2020-2021 season. We will have a cap of 24 people in this league, and have room for a handful of individuals to join.


We want to take a moment to acknowledge the comings and goings on our club’s Board of Directors, and recent leadership transitions.

First, we want to thank the outgoing board members whose terms recently ended: John Benefiel, Karen Benefiel, Nancy Myers, and Nick Allmaker. We’re really grateful for their service, and want to stress that our club is entirely all-volunteer run and wouldn’t happen without people stepping up to serve!

Second, we want to welcome two new board members elected by members during this spring’s election: Brian Cotner and Nic Swiercek. Welcome, Brian and Nic!

We also want to announce our Board’s new officers who were elected by the Board of Directors at our annual board retreat in June:

  • Nic Ridder (President)
  • Kaeli Samson (Vice President)
  • Liz Akert (Treasurer)
  • Michael Brich (Secretary)

Finally, we want to thank our most recent board officers who have passed the torch: Sean Morrison (Past President), Matt Suder (Past Vice President), and Nancy Myers (Past Secretary).


We hope you’re doing well all things considered amid this strange and unpredictable year.

The summer months are a quieter time for curling and our club. While last season ended abruptly, we want you to know that our Board of Directors is actively planning the upcoming 2020-2021 curling season and thinking carefully about how we can return to curling safely.

In June, our board visited with leadership from the United States Curling Association (USCA) to discuss health and safety guidelines, considerations they’re taking into account, and what they’ve been hearing from clubs around the country. We are very pleased with their level of thoughtfulness and advice for clubs. We have also been in regular communications with Baxter Arena about their health and safety precautions.

Our Board of Directors also held our annual board retreat in June to begin to map out what the next season will look like. We welcomed two new members to our Board—Brian Cotner and Nic Swiercek—that membership elected earlier this spring. We thanked outgoing board members whose terms ended: John Benefiel, Karen Benefiel, Nick Allmaker, and Nancy Myers. And we elected new officers for the coming year: Nic Ridder (President), Kaeli Samson (Vice President), Liz Akert (Treasurer), and Michael Brich (Secretary).

This upcoming season will look a little different than our typical season.Our top priority is the health and safety of our members. In addition to that, our priorities are to:

  1. Provide a safe way to return to league play in some capacity this fall.
  2. Retain and support our membership for the long-term health of our club.
  3. Finish the 2020-21 season in a great position to host the US Team Trials in November 2021 at Baxter Arena and help grow the game in Omaha.

You’ll start hearing from us more in the coming weeks and months. Soon, we’re going to circulate a survey to members to understand how you’re feeling about this upcoming season, and what we can do to support a return to curling safely and foster camaraderie among our members.

Please keep an eye out for that survey—your response will be extremely helpful to the planning of the 2020-2021 season.

Thank you for supporting the Aksarben Curling Club, and all you do to contribute to the Club’s community.

With gratitude,

The Aksarben Curling Club Board of Directors


Aksarben Curling Club members,

We hope that you and your family are well and safe. Not only have our routines changed, but we miss seeing our curling friends and family. We hope this challenging time will pass soon.

The Aksarben Curling Club’s Board of Directors met virtually on Wednesday, March 18 to discuss how to handle the remainder of our winter and spring events amid the coronavirus outbreak and the restrictions on people gathering in groups of 10 or more through the end of April in order to limit the virus’s spread.

The Board of Directors decided to cancel all remaining leagues and Learn to Curls that were scheduled through the end of April.

We will issue refunds for all unplayed league games due to the coronavirus outbreak. Affected leagues include: Winter Sunday (3 games), Winter Tuesday (4 games), Winter Friday (4 games), and Spring Tuesday (5 games).

We anticipate issuing refunds to everyone by Sunday, March 22.

If you would like to donate your refund back to the club in order to support our efforts to build a dedicated facility, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by noon on Saturday, March 21. If we don’t hear from you, we will issue you a refund.

If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, we would love to hear from you. Please direct your questions to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As members, you’re not only an important part of our club, but an important part of our lives. We’re grateful you belong to the club and we look forward to curling with you again in the future.

Board of Directors
Aksarben Curling Club


Brich MichaelThroughout our newsletters we want to introduce you to our club’s board members so you recognize them at ACC events. In this newsletter, we want to introduce you to Michael Brich!

How long have you been curling?
This is my fourth year curling and my second year at Aksarben. I learned to curl at the St. Paul Curling Club in Minnesota and spent two seasons there.

How did you first get involved with the Aksarben Curling Club?
When I moved back to Omaha from the Twin Cities I was very eager to continue curling and grow the sport in Nebraska. Seeing the curling community in the Twin Cities first hand made me want to try and get the Omaha curling community to compare to what is a very popular sport in Minnesota. Immediately when I moved back, I reached out to the club and volunteered to help with Learn to Curls and any other things the club needed help with.

What is your favorite curling moment?
I have a few moments that stick out to me. When I was in Minnesota, I got to have some practices with Margie Smith, who has won the Women's Senior National Championship 5 times and won Silver at the 2019 Women's World Senior Championship. Also, at the 2019 St. Paul Men's International - my team got to play against Team Maerki, who is playing in the 2020 National Championships. Dominic Maerki, the skip, has an Olympic Bronze to his name for his work with the Swiss team at the 2018 Olympics. Obviously, my team lost that battle but we didn't give up more than 2 in any end so that it was a moral victory!

What do you like most about the Aksarben Curling Club?
I like how the club continues to grow throughout the entire year each year. Everyone is always inviting and very helpful with all of the work around the club and on the ice. I like how everyone seems to always invite more and more friends to different events and leagues every year. It seems every new league session, there is always a new team out there having fun and enjoying curling!

Other interesting facts you'd like to share?
I am getting married this summer to my fiancé, Erin! She doesn't curl (yet) but you can sometimes find her cheering on the Sweeping Swine on Sunday and Tuesday nights. I am a big fan of board games and I'm always looking for new people to play with - some of my favorite games right now are Wingspan, Crokinole, Root and Dominion. During the summer months, I also play Ultimate Frisbee and am in a golf league.


Congrats to the two teams that finished on top of their Winter Early Leagues:

Winter Early Tuesday League Champions
Little Raise of Sunshine (5-1)
Matthew Truesdell, Lisa Truesdell, Kaeli Samson, Nic Swiercek

Winter Early Friday League Champions
Big Dawgs (4-1)
Kevin Severin, Jesse Brandenburg, Dave Hill, Mary Murrieta


IrishOpen2020 sq

UPDATE: It is with a heavy heart to share that we decided to cancel this weekend's 2020 Irish Open Bonspiel. Please make sure everyone on your team knows just in case they don't see this or didn't receive the email. Full refunds will be issued to everyone.

Our bonspiel committee and many of our board of directors decided Wednesday evening, March 11 to cancel given additional cases of coronavirus appearing in the Omaha metro area and many public events doing the same. Other curling clubs have also decided to cancel bonspiels this weekend including the Columbus Curling Club and the Curling College National Championship in Fargo, ND.

We didn't make this decision lightly, but the safety of everyone attending, your families, and the wider community is paramount to us.

To everyone coming from out of town who made accommodations at the Hilton Garden Inn Aksarben Village: We called the hotel this evening and they said they are being super lenient on issuing refunds. Please contact them to request a refund at your earliest convenience and let us know if you have trouble. We will be calling our room block coordinator first-thing Thursday morning to ensure they are aware of the situation.

We are super bummed to cancel, but we want folks to be safe.

If you have questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

Thanks for your understanding,
Irish Open Bonspiel Committee


The Aksarben Curling Club is run entirely by volunteers, including its board of directors who set the direction for the club and makes decisions about our programming, equipment, and budget. We want to introduce you to our board members in future newsletters so you recognize them at ACC events!

Meet Liz Akert, Board Treasurer

Liz grew up in Madison, WI but didn’t learn to curl until 2016. Liz joined like a lot of us in recent years: by signing up for a Learn to Curl, and getting hooked instantly! In 2018, Liz joined the Aksarben Curling Club’s board of directors and serves in the critical role as our board Treasurer. When she’s not curling, she works as an accountant at Union Pacific.

Liz formed a team with her husband, Brian, and friend LJ McElravy, and later picked up Bill Citro. They’ve been playing together for a few years now as Stop, Drop, and Curl—currently playing at the 2:15pm Sunday League draw.

When asked about her favorite curling moment, Liz shared it was winning the Irish Open Bonspiel’s Novice/5&U bracket last year in March 2019: “I was four months pregnant and exhausted, but we played great!” Liz shares she can’t wait to teach Piper how to curl (though, Piper was technically already on the team for Liz’s win at the Irish Open!) 

Liz loves talking up the Aksarben Curling Club to everyone she meets. “Most people from Omaha don’t know about our club, and are surprised about our size and how often we play. I always encourage everyone to try a Learn to Curl. I also love the community of the club and our gatherings at Pauli’s. Everyone is passionate about curling and eager to get to know each other.”


This fall, Aksarben Curling coordinated five leagues: Sundays at 2:15pm, 4:30pm, and 6:45pm, Tuesdays at 8pm (two halves), and Friday at 7pm.

We want to take a moment to celebrate this season's Fall League champs!

2019 Fall Sunday 215 league champs Team Becher2019 Fall Sunday 2:15 league champs
Team Becher
Left to right: Scott Jordan, Steve Jaixen, Shawn Lavallee, and Chris Becher


lots of stonesRegistration is open for the late-half of our Winter Leagues beginning in late-February and early-March.

  • Tuesday 8pm (5 weeks late half)
  • Friday 7pm (5 weeks late half)

Our Leagues webpage lists the dates for each league. Click here to register for leagues on our Event Registrations page.

Registration is $20 per game. Your annual membership ($100) must also be current for the 2019-2020 season for your registration to be accepted.

Questions? Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


On Wednesday, USA Curling, the Omaha Sports Commission, and Olympic Gold Medalist John Shuster announced that the US Olympic Team Trials for Curling will return to Omaha in November 2021!

The top US teams will compete in Omaha at Baxter Arena to earn the opportunity to go to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing!

We’re thrilled to help host the trials once again alongside USA Curling, the Omaha Sports Commission, and Baxter Arena.

Check out coverage from the Omaha World-Herald and USA Curling.

As you know, the trials came to Omaha in 2017 and played a big role in growing the game in Nebraska! And, we helped send off Team Shuster to PyeongChang, South Korea where they won gold! We were happy to welcome John Shuster back on Wednesday at the announcement press conference.

Stay tuned for more details about the USA Curling Olympic Trials in November 2021!

2019 Bone-Spiel Fun Spiel: Costumes Recap!

Thanks to everyone who came out to our annual Bone-Spiel Fun Spiel on Saturday!

We had lots of great costumes and a fun skills challenge between games: double take outs and draw to the button, no skipping and no sweeping.

Here are some highlights from Saturday’s festivities:

Sweeper Mario Brothers
Best Team Costume


Magic Brooms
Top Performing Team
Skills Challenge Winners


We held our annual Irish Open Bonspiel just a couple weekends ago, and had a great time! Eighty curlers came together among 12 teams in a novice division, and 8 teams in an experienced division, including teams from Kansas City, Oklahoma City, and St Louis!

Check out the photo album on Facebook. Special thanks to everyone who volunteered to run the bonspiel and brought items for our Saturday evening dinner raffle!

Here are our 2019 Irish Open Bonspiel event winners and runners up:

Experienced Division A Event Winner
Buff N Stuff
Buffy Linke, Kevin Schuster, Chris Becher, Steve Jaixen


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Email Updates

Sign up to be the first to know about Learn to Curl classes, leagues, and other curling events!

We send generally one message per month. Unsubscribe anytime.

Member Login

Upcoming Events

31 Mar 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Spring Monday 7pm League
01 Apr 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Spring Tuesday 7pm League
04 Apr 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Spring Friday 7pm League
09 Apr 2025;
06:30PM - 08:30PM
Board of Directors monthly meeting
11 Apr 2025;
Season Championship
30 Apr 2025;
07:00PM - 08:00PM
Annual Member Meeting
02 Jun 2025;
05:45PM - 07:15PM
Summer Doubles League
03 Jun 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Summer Tuesday League

Contact Us

Mail: PO Box 24458, Omaha, NE 68124
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 402-915-CURL

Where We Curl

Holland Ice
Baxter Arena
2425 S. 67th Street
Omaha, NE 68182

Follow Us

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